Thursday, December 23, 2021

Apathy from telugu movie industry

Academy of motion picture arts and sciences is mainly known for oscar awards but they do more than that. They also archive all nominated movies and even some unnominated movies. They digitize them all, and periodically review them to verify quality and update them to fit with new technologies. The world moved from tapes, avds, mpegs, hd to avc. I came to know about this when I worked in youtube. A represenative visited us and gave a talk about their tools and processes and sought feedback. See It would not cost much because of current technology compared to earlier days. I wonder why our nandi awards committees would not do the same of preserving old movies. I wonder why filmotagraphy ministry or movie arts assocations would not preserve old tollywood movies. I wonder why bhasha sanghams or telugu universities would not digitize every telugu book ever written. I have fond memories of reading many novels in my childhood though I could not understand fully. I can not find them now. One particular novel I remember is "aakasa deepalu" about a girl named pavani who was blinded by her cousin accidentally. The context is that I am watching popular "Andame Anandam" song. I realized that many people on the internet are looking for movie as well. The best service to a language or culture is to preserve the history. If there was no C.P. Brown, we would not have known much about works of vemana or tenali ramakrishna. If there is any effort to digitize telugu books or movies, let me know.

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