Friday, June 17, 2022

Something else matters

Black lives matter was a movement I witnessed two years ago with a series of protests and debates. I learned a valuable lesson from a colleague's post. Some others replied with police lives matter, Hispanic lives matter, women lives matter etc. They do not go well. When someone is asking justice, one has to address it first before bringing all other injustices. The original protesters feel their purpose is diluted or diverted. Coming to Indian example, when telangana people seeked justice, others seeked for uttarandra or rayalaseema. That made original protesters more angrier. Actress sai pallavi has all rights to express her view. She is also right. She did the mistake of normalization or dilution. Politicians or leaders often do that as a method to skip a direct answer. For a reason, I am an engineer and not a politician. When you are asked whether some thing would break a bridge, you would not say something else would also harm. You think about that as part of future plans and not as immediate answers.

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